Ar Galfaria un prydnawn

(Gorchfygu Lluoedd Uffern)
Ar Galfaria un prydnawn,
  Byth mi gana',
Fe gaed buddugoliaeth lawn,
Ar holl luoedd uffern fawr,
  Ac ar angau;
Iachawdwriaeth fawr ei dawn
  Ddaeth i minau.

Dyma'r Aberth mae erioed
  Son am dano;
Ar y ddaear 'does yn bod
  Debyg iddo:
Mae seraphiaid pena'r nen
  Yn rhyfeddu
Gwel'd eu Brenin ar y pren,
  Yno'n trengu.

Nid oes terfyn byth i'w gael
  Ar ei gariad;
Mae'i drysorau mawrion hael
  Uwch ein dirnad;
Ynddo'u Hunan y mae'n llwyr
  Oll ddymuna
F'enaid egwan fore a hwyr
1: Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844
2-3: William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7474D]:
  Glynarfon (D Hughes, Bryncrug.)
Llanfair (Robert Williams 1782-1818)

  Bugail yw fe roes ei waed
  Mi a gredaf yn fy Nuw
  Caned nef a daear lawr
  Myn'd a wnaf dan godi'm llef
  Nid oes aberth o un rhyw

(Overcoming the Hosts of Hell)
On Calvary one afternoon,
  I shall ever sing,
A full victory was got,
Over all the hosts of great hell,
  And over death;
And the great gift of salvation
  Came to me.

Behold the Sacrifice that ever there is
  Mention of;
On the earth there is not
  His like:
The chief seraphim of heaven are
To see their King on the tree,
  There expiring.

There is no ending ever to be got
  To his love;
His great generous treasures are
  Above our grasp;
In himself is completely
  All that my weak soul
Shall wish morning and evening
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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